A total of 66 books with many different stories, but all of them are part of one Big Story.
Why should you read the Bible?
- Jesus was all about the Bible.
10% of what Jesus says are quotations from the Old Testament. Throughout His ministry He refers to the creation account, a historical Adam and Eve, Noah, Elijah, Elisha and so many more. Jesus believed the Bible.
If you are believer, you ought to have the same relationship Jesus had with the Bible.
- Bible reading is the number one-way God grows you.
Matthew 4:4 says, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes out of the mouth of God.”
Four Benefits of Scripture Reading
1. The Word restores my soul
Psalm 19:7 says, “The Law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul.”
Restoration means renewed vitality, bringing something back to its original condition. God’s Word does not just deal with what you do, but who you are.
Your soul is refreshed as you read the Scriptures. The Lord restores your soul in many ways, with community, worship, but the surest way He does is through His Word.
The Bible is not the goal, it is the bridge to a better place. It is not about getting more knowledge, but to develop a deeper relationship with the Father through Jesus.
You should not read the Bible to know what you should do, but to know who God is and what He has done.
The fire of the Christian life comes from being soaked in the story of the gospel.
2. The Word teaches me wisdom
Psalm 19:7 says, “The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.”
Testimony refers to the truths God has revealed about Himself. Another word for sure is immovable, always true.
You can have wisdom to make godly choices by following the truths revealed in God’s Word.
There are important decisions that you need to make in the future about education, marriage, parenting, etc. You need wisdom that can only be found in God’s Word.
3. The Word makes my heart glad
Psalm 19:8 says, “The precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart.”
It is important for you to understand that it does not mean that every time you read the Bible, you will find a verse that will make your life perfect.
Sometimes you will find something that is hard to understand, something that may offend you. If the Bible never offends you, you are doing it wrong.
When the Bible shows you the error of your ways, you have two options. You can choose to reject God’s conviction, that Christian will be the least joy filled person you will ever see; or you can accept that you are wrong, repent and allow God to work in your heart through the Holy Spirit.
True joy comes from obeying Him.
4. The Word personalizes my relationship with Christ
The goal of Bible reading is to get to a better place which is a constant, daily, flourishing relationship with Jesus.
The objective is not to complete a reading plan, but a deeper, vibrant relationship with Jesus.
Pastor Chris Williams
To learn more about Pastor Chris and his teaching, visit us on the web at fcfamily.org and make sure you subscribe to receive these weekly encouragements in your inbox.