Love Can Last a Lifetime

Many people look at marriages and say, “That’s where I want to be when I’m that age.” The key to achieve that kind of love that lasts a lifetime is so simple, it is so powerful, so rare, so available, if two people will simply accept the basic teaching of Jesus. It does not matter […]

It Is Finished

Psalm 50:15 says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor me.” We desire to be people of prayer. Therefore, it is important to practice a regular rhythm of prayer in the church and our lives to grow more passionate in seeking the Lord for a move […]

Prayer Basics

Psalm 50:15 says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor me.”   We desire to be people of prayer. Therefore, it is important to practice a regular rhythm of prayer in the church and our lives to grow more passionate in seeking the Lord for a […]

Lessons from Doubt

In the Easter narrative, we see many different characters, and Jesus meets each one of them where they are. One of those characters was doubting Thomas. Most people can better identify with him than the other disciples.   John 20:24 shows that Thomas is an honest doubter. He was asking for proof so that he […]

Lessons for Palm Sunday

Jesus’ life defied many expectations; however, many of the things He did throughout His life and ministry had been predicted many years earlier by the Old Testament prophets. The two accounts found in Mark 10:46 and Mark 11:1-11 prove Jesus to be the Messiah Israel was expecting.   The traditional route from Galilee to Jerusalem […]

Time is Short

In Luke chapter 21, we find Jesus sitting in the court of women, where thirteen horn shaped receptacles collected offerings.   The scribes and pharisees would give big offerings from their surplus. Then Jesus saw a widow who gave a small offering that for the rest of the people seemed insignificant. The humble gift of […]

Preparing for Miracles

There is so much confusion around the topic of miracles. Often in the church we call a miracle something that is not a miracle.   Miracle is an event that involves the direct and powerful action of God, transcending the ordinary laws of nature and defying common expectations of behavior. In other words, when God […]

Learning How to Process Suffering

What do I do when the Lord does not act the way I think He should act?   This is not just a philosophical question; it is a practical question.   Many people have been set up by modern “feel-good Christianity” to be destroyed when suffering comes into their lives.   Hardship, trials, and the […]

Making a Difference

96% of students polled in a recent study said they wanted to know their purpose and make a difference. Everyone wants to leave a legacy; everyone wants their life to count.   If you are in Christ, you are called to make a difference.   God is a promise maker and a promise keeper.   […]

The Way to Wholeness

The Bible says, “You shall be holy, for your God is holy.” -A call to holiness is a call to wholeness. Holiness/wholeness is what God wants to do in us, make us whole, complete, and healthy in our minds, emotions, and body, so that we are like Jesus.   You are human and there is grace […]