Fellowship Kids

Making Excited Disciples


The mission of Fellowship Kids is to make Excited Disciples as we lay the basic footwork in the path of discipleship. This path is what we call Faith@Home and we will accomplish this task by partnering with the family to implement our three part strategy:

Sunday School

Sunday School is the foundation of our discipleship ministry. It is here that we will teach kids how to navigate God’s Word by implementing a curriculum that systematically walks through the entire Bible chronologically every three years.

Large Group Worship

This is a high-energy interactive worship environment designed with kids in mind from all learning styles. It is here that we help kids apply The Word to their lives in an age-appropriate manner.


AWANA is a more in-depth discipleship process that focuses on building a biblical worldview by memorizing God’s Word. Our AWANA program runs from September through May on Wednesdays from 6:30 PM-7:45 PM.
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Preparing the Disciples 

  1. God Made Me 
  2. God Loves Me 
  3. Jesus Saves Me

Kindergarten to 5th Grade

Developing the Disciples

  1. Know God 
  2. Make Jesus Known 
  3. Establish Biblical Worldview 

Weekly Schedule

Join us for a special event for daughters ages 3 years old to 5th grade, and their fathers/father figures! Father Daughter Tea will take place on Saturday, March 8th, at 10:00am, at the Greenwood Campus. Dress in your finest attire and come for Tea, Treats, a best dressed competition, and more! Sign up today at fcfamily.org.

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