The church was a movement of loved and sent ones, based on the conviction that Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead to give life. Today we will look at a major distinctive of the Christian life that is part of a flourishing Christian life. A recent study of Gen Z and Millennials […]
The church is a movement based around the conviction that God came in the flesh, died on the cross, rose from the dead to give life and they were empowered by the Spirit for mission. The book of Acts is the highlights of how the church spread. This book is centered around the mission to spread the […]
The book of Acts is the history of the early church becoming a movement that spread globally. This book is all about what Jesus began to do and teach. Luke wrote his gospel and the book of Acts. Luke was a doctor by profession, more than likely more affluent, and very well educated and more scholarly in […]
There is a movement racing across our culture trying to erase gender. How do we live in this cultural moment of gender confusion? What does it mean to be a man? Masculinity is a gift. Men are not men because of what they have done but because “God said…and it was so.” Teenage boys need […]
Let us look at three Questions about the Ascension We are told that for 40 days after His resurrection, Jesus interacted with His followers. He spoke, ate, slept, encouraged, instructed, and essentially did all that He had done during his three and a half years with them. Now, just minutes before He ascends to heaven, […]
The book of Acts is the history of the early church becoming a movement that spread globally. A few distinctives of the early church: The danger any church has is the allure of being less of a movement and more institutional, less mission-minded and more maintenance-minded. How do we stay on mission accelerating the movement? […]
An important truth to always remember is that if God can raise His Son from the dead, He can work in your life. The gospel starts out with a transformed vertical relationship that begins to alter for the better our horizontal relationships. The power of the gospel transforms you, transforms your relationships. If you are […]
The premise of this message is that if the church does not disciple people, the word will. We want to create resilient disciples that can stand against the lies of the enemy, personally and publicly. Following Jesus faithfully and biblically is becoming something our culture looks down upon more and more. We are witnessing the […]
John 13-17 is called the Upper Room discourse and contains what Jesus told his disciples on the night before the crucifixion while they were observing Passover in the “upper room.” John 13 teaches that the Lord wants you to live to bless at home, at work, at school, and in your church. Helping other people […]
My discipleship in Christ must be greater than my discipleship in the world. What we are doing in our spiritual lives, what we are doing in this church must be greater than what the enemy is doing. The story we are going to look at in John chapter 12 highlights that our passion must […]