Pastor's Blog

Biblical Manhood

There is a movement racing across our culture trying to erase gender. How do we live in this cultural moment of gender confusion?  What

Jesus Woman

Why do the values of Jesus not mix with the feminist ideology of the kingdom of this world? Feminism at its core is a

A Kingdom Vision for Marriage

Love, romance, and hope are all words that come to mind when you think about marriage. They are the foundation of marriage going all

Love Can Last a Lifetime

Many people look at marriages and say, “That’s where I want to be when I’m that age.” The key to achieve that kind of

It Is Finished

Psalm 50:15 says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor me.” We desire to be

Prayer Basics

Psalm 50:15 says, “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I shall rescue you, and you will honor me.”   We desire to

Lessons from Doubt

In the Easter narrative, we see many different characters, and Jesus meets each one of them where they are. One of those characters was

Lessons for Palm Sunday

Jesus’ life defied many expectations; however, many of the things He did throughout His life and ministry had been predicted many years earlier by

Time is Short

In Luke chapter 21, we find Jesus sitting in the court of women, where thirteen horn shaped receptacles collected offerings.   The scribes and