Fellowship Homeschool Academy is a ministry of Fellowship Church. We exist to partner with parents in home educating to train up a generation of Christ followers who live for the good of the community, the glory of Christ and the salvation of all. Our goal is to provide all the best parts of a traditional school with all the best parts of homeschooling, giving each student a perfect balance of education with a strong Christian emphasis.
$120 per student
One-time, non-refundable fee to hold your student(s) spot. This will be used to purchase teacher’s books & classroom supplies.
1 Student $235
2 Students $365
3 Students $495
4 Students $625
5 Students $755
**Tuition payments are due on the 1st of the month from August-May. Parents will receive a list of the needed books and supplies for each student and will be responsible to purchase these items.
Fellowship Church Homeschool Academy Director
Administrative Assistant
Child Care
Pre-K Teacher
Pre-K Teacher
Pre-K Assistant
Pre-K Assistant
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Kindergarten Assistant
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade Teacher
2nd Grade Teacher
2nd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
4th Grade Teacher
4th Grade Teacher
5th-8th Grade Math Teacher
5th-8th Grade Bible Teacher
PE Teacher
5th-8th Grade History Teacher
Life Skills Teacher
Music Teacher
5th -8th Grade English Teacher
4th-8th Art Teacher, Teacher Assistant, & Field Trip Coordinator
5th -8th Grade Science Teacher
4th-8th Grade Art Teacher & Kindergarten Assistant
A. Fellowship Academy classes will take place at the Fellowship Church, Greenwood campus. Classes will meet each Monday and Wednesday from 9am-3:30pm from August through May.
A. Our Academic Program teachers will provide solid academics and hands-on learning opportunities in the core subjects of reading/ literature/ grammar, math, science and history/geography, as well as the extra curricular classes of art, music and PE.
A. For the 2024-2025 school year, we plan to offer Pre-K through 8th grade classes. We are considering adding more classes in the future, and we will update this page when those are offered.
A. We will be using Abeka as our core curriculum in our elementary grades (K4-6th). Abeka is a solid, high achieving curriculum that will lay an excellent foundation for our student’s academic success. Our teachers will supplement with additional materials and eliminate “busy work” to provide students a wonderful education in a fun environment.
Here are the curriculums we plan to use for our Junior High Students:
Science: Apologia
Math: TBD
History: Abeka
Writing/ Language Arts: Institute for Excellence in Writing
We will add additional subject areas/ curriculums as we grow.
A. We are currently concentrating on our academic program, since we combine it with enrichment classes. We also offer family fun days/ field trip days twice per month. All of our Fellowship families can opt to participate in these activities throughout the year. If we decide to do an enrichment/one day only program in the future, we will let you know.
A. Our highly qualified and trusted Christian teachers will provide an excellent foundation for your student. All teachers have classroom experience and will undergo a background check. Teachers will assign work for your students to be completed on their days at home. Parents will retain the ability to determine the grades and keep the records for their child. Fellowship Academy will provide a place where each student knows they are loved and they were created on purpose and for a very important purpose.
We encourage every parent to check out the Missouri Homeschool laws. www.hslda.org/statelaws/MO
A. Parents will be able to drop their children off each Monday and Wednesday morning and pick them up at the end of the day. We gladly welcome parent volunteers for our parties, special events and activities.
A. Chapel, Back to School / Meet your Teachers Night, Fall Party / Valentine’s Day Party, Grandparent’s Day, Christmas Celebration, Science Fair / Art Fair, Music Programs, Kindergarten Graduation, Field Trip Opportunities, Field Day, Yearbooks, Parent Support Group
We do not assign grades on papers or assignments while at FCHSA, however, we do give students and parents guidance and feedback. When you follow Homeschool law, you will have kept records of your child’s work allowing you to create grades and eventually transcripts for your child. We partner with parents to help provide school experiences and share lesson plans and resources for parents to be able to succeed in their homeschooling journey.
We’d love to answer any questions you might have. Fill out the contact form below and one of our pastors will get back to you soon.
1601 West Main Street, Greenwood, MO 64034
© 2024 Fellowship Church | All Rights Reserved