Fellowship Church is a church that lives for the good of its community, the glory of Christ and the salvation of all. We launched in August of 2011 as the first campus of Lenexa Baptist Church. Not only were we launching as a second location but as a legacy church plant. First Baptist Church of Greenwood, Missouri a 175 year old church had been in decline for several years. They had a leadership of godly men who did not want to close the doors but instead wanted to see God move in a new way and extend their legacy of ministry into the future.
In a tremendous declaration of faith, prayer and purpose they donated all their assets to see this new church plant become a reality. Since 2011, through a major team effort of dozens of people, the Fellowship has grown into a thriving and growing ministry for all generations creatively fulfilling their mission to make disciples. In January of 2018, Fellowship Church became an autonomous congregation set on continuing to do its part to in fulfilling the Great Commission.
As we endeavor to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission, by 2019 we had grown to three worship services at the Greenwood campus and began to think about reaching more people through church revitalization, church planting and multi-site. In March of 2018, the church began the Great Commission Initiative, a strategy to do our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. By 2019 these initiatives were coming to fruition, and we were preparing to launch the Raymore campus in September of 2019. This location was created through the selfless giving of First Baptist Church Raymore. Fellowship Church had come full circle. Starting as a legacy church replant and now expanding through a second legacy replant. This allowed us to reach the 3rd fastest growing community in the metro and fastest growing city in Cass county. But, God was not finished. In January 2022, through a demonstration of faith and Gospel unity, First Baptist Church Archie voted to join us in this church revitalization adventure. Now through three locations we are seeing the Gospel advance in an effort to see a thriving local church in every neighborhood.
Jesus continues to extend the reach of the Fellowship here in southeast Kansas City and around the world. Through irrational generosity to missions and extensive involvement in short-term trips we believed we could do more. The opportunity to be a part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the nations was a calling we couldn’t miss out on. The church began to see people give up high-paying jobs, sell their possessions, and commit their lives to go and share the good news of Jesus among those who have yet to hear. In 2018, we launched the Fellowship School of Hope in a remote farming village outside Pignon, Haiti. By mid 2019, over 200 salvations had been recorded and it was time to launch our first international church. Additionally, we desired to take the Word of God and the gospel to the unreached people groups of the world. In 2018, we began the process of partnering with the International Mission Board to take on an unreached people in the Mexico city area. In 2019, we fully funded the gospel of Matthew in a language that had never had the written word in its language. We believe our work globally is just beginning. Lord willing, we will continue to be a people living on purpose and for the great purpose for which we were saved.
God has done so much more than we could ever think or imagine. He has blessed the Fellowship on purpose, so we can live to bless others. Our desire is to partner with the people of our community and assist them in discovering they were created on purpose and for a great purpose. Namely, they were made for a relationship with their Creator through faith in Jesus Christ. Through our growth steps we help men and women, boys and girls engage with God’s purposes and to live the life they were redeemed to live. A life that lives for the good of others, the glory of Christ and the salvation of all. Would you join us?
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 8:00am, 9:30am & 11:00am at the Greenwood Campus, 9:30am at the Raymore campus, or always online at 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am, & 6:00pm.
© 2025 Fellowship Church | All Rights Reserved