In 2 Samuel 9:1-13, David has made Jerusalem the capital and he’s brought the Ark of the Covenant there. This passage is going to show a King who’s winning big time in every area and what he does next.
6 Movements That Teach Us the Gospel
1. There is a deep-seated hostility between the two families
Saul’s family and David’s family certainly have tension. Saul began to lose his mind due to massive jealousy and suspicion of David. This led him to try and kill David and even his own son, Jonathan.
Sin makes you do insane things that do great harm to your life. Sin destroys as it did to Saul and Jonathan on the field of battle.
God covenanted with David that his throne will never end. At this point in the story, David has ruled for 10 years and wonders if anyone from Saul’s family is still alive. Typically, kings asked this question to ensure there were no competitors.
When Mephibosheth gets the invite to see the king, he’s thinking that this is it.
2. Mephibosheth was living in extreme poverty
He lived in the middle of nowhere. At one time he was raised to be the future king, now, he’s living as the poorest of the poor.
3. Mephibosheth was disabled
He was lame in both feet and couldn’t walk which made his poverty worse. He couldn’t work and he lived in a world that wasn’t set up for folks with disabilities.
4. In this awful position, the generosity of the King is poured out on his behalf
Mephibosheth is scared and expecting retribution, but David is ready to show kindness.
David gives him extensive land and riches and says that the servant, Ziba, now works for him.
Moreover, David says do me the honor and eat every meal with my family. This is the kindness of God.
David shows Mephibosheth hesed, a sense of love and loyalty that inspires merciful and compassionate behavior toward another person.
5. David pours out kindness on Mephibosheth for Jonathan’s sake
As Mephibosheth lies at David’s feet unable to walk, David gives him wealth, invites him to the king’s table, and lavishes love upon him over and over again. That’s hesed.
Mephibosheth didn’t earn it or deserve it, David did it all for Jonathan’s sake. In the same way, God didn’t invite you into His family based upon what you did, rather He did so for Christ’s sake and His work on the cross.
All of us have been hurt, betrayed, and abandoned. We’ve fallen because of our sinful choices and now we’re guilty before a King who has every right to take our heads off, but instead, He lavishes grace, mercy, love, and sonship on us for Christ’s sake.
6. We have been invited in to take part in community
As a follower of Christ, you have 3 big areas that will attempt to trip you up daily: the lies of the enemy, your own sinful cravings, and the influence of the world. We are swimming upstream with a growing current against us.
How do we remain faithful? Practice the spiritual disciplines daily, be part of the church family, and plug into life through small groups.
Our identity is now what has been given to us and our wholeness depends on the frequency with which we sit at the King’s table.
The best way to be reminded of our identity is to act like the King and show His kindness to others.
To learn more about Pastor Chris and his teaching, visit us on the web at fcfamily.org and make sure you subscribe to receive these weekly encouragements in your inbox.