Let’s Go! is a two-year expression of our vision to live for the glory of Christ, the good of the neighborhoods, and the salvation of all. We are embarking on an exciting season as a church family! Jesus is calling us to GO – to our neighbors, our coworkers, our classmates, our friends – to the neighborhoods that are over-churched and under-reached. It includes a financial commitment to accomplish this faith-stretching, exciting vision, and we are asking you to go with us. So, LET’S GO!
We believe that the local church is God’s plan to reach our neighborhood and the world. Our vision for LET’S GO! desires to see our church as a launch pad for ministry by:
The primary mission field for our church is SE Kansas City. We want to expand our gospel influence and serve the neighborhoods more than ever for His glory! Together we can accomplish this by:
Our mission field is not only located here. Jesus has called all of us to take the gospel to every neighborhood that has yet to hear. Our vision is to participate in the command to make disciples of all nations through:
Pastor Chris and several Fellowshippers share about this exciting endeavor and how the Let’s Go campaign will help us extend our reach and provide the space needed to fulfill the Great Commission and make disciples.
What Can You Do? This vision is big! And it is only possible with all of us working together. As we continue to pursue this vision together, there are a few steps we are asking you to take:
Pray for our church and the neighborhoods; that our efforts to take the gospel to the neighborhoods and beyond would be successful. God is calling each of us to GO – pray and ask God how He is calling you to participate.
Say “I’m in!” by filling out a commitment card and making a financial commitment for the next 2 years. Help us reach 100% participation as we GO together.
GO first! Be a leader by joining us in LET’S GO!, coming on Sunday mornings, and inviting others to participate.
The current estimate for building expansion and renovation is approximately 6.5 million. Of that figure, we anticipate taking on an additional 1–2 million in debt.
With the consolidation of our current debt of 3.6 million, we anticipate our debt total to be approximately 5.6 million. Our original indebtedness 5 years ago was 5.8 million.
Watersedge Financial Services of the Oklahoma Baptist Convention. They have been a great partner in the past and have competitive rates. In addition, 100% of our interest is reinvested into ministry causes through our cooperative ministries.
The construction and remodeling will be completed in stages. We will begin with the sanctuaries at both campuses. Once complete, we will move on to the remodeling of the Greenwood sanctuary into classrooms and office space and the restrooms at Raymore.
Giving to Let’s Go! looks similar to your regular giving to the church, just more focused and expanded to help catalyze this season of growth. A gift above and beyond your tithes makes this dream to bless possible. As Christians and local church members, we want to obey the Scriptures and obey the call to give to the local church. In giving to the local church, you are financially supporting the expansion of God’s kingdom here in the 816, and around the world. Giving to Let’s Go! allows us to go from our church, for the city and to the world. Your giving helps us proclaim the Gospel in the 816, continue making disciples, and allows us to expand our facilities to create a more adequate environment for the mission God has called us to. Additionally, giving to Let’s Go! Allows you to be involved in all that is happening at Fellowship Church that you know and love.
At Fellowship Church, we believe stewardship of all of our God given resources is more than just a good idea, it is a biblical mandate. Because of this commitment, leadership has chosen to outsource our accounting to Miller Management, a local Kansas City public accounting firm, that specializes in church accounting. They provide weekly processing of all of our accounting functions and provide complete financial statements to leadership each month to help insure transparency and accountability of our financial resources.
Through every step of this process, we have sought prayer, wise counsel, and looked at the scriptures to make sure the decisions being made are honoring the Lord and working to build His church. Every effort put forth is carefully prayed through, thought through, and decided on by our Church Council, staff team and outside experts as we seek to be good stewards of what the Lord has given us. We also ask that you pray with us throughout this season. This is a big vision, and we know that we are dependent on the Lord to make it a reality.
Yes, you can include stored assets in your Let’s Go! giving plan. Please feel free to contact us directly if you are interested in donating assets, stocks, or any other non-monetary items. E-mail us at info@fcfamily.org, or call us at (816) 984-8300.
The giving period for Let’s Go! is December 2024–December 2026.
After the Church affirms the Let’s Go! campaign, contracts will be signed in December. We will begin to see things onsite in January at Raymore and End of February at Greenwood. Currently we anticipate the remodeled sanctuary at Raymore to be complete by Easter. There will be no service disruptions. The restrooms and other upgrades will happen by end of the summer. The Greenwood Sanctuary is anticipated to be complete by Easter 2026. With the construction happening on the south side of the children’s wing, we will forego our annual Fellowship Fest for 2025 and celebrate big in 2026 with a spectacular worship guest.
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