Jude 1:3 says, “I felt compelled to write and urge you to CONTEND for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” Our hope and desire is to help train the next generation to contend for and defend their faith in Christ amongst a culture who has a different agenda for their lives. This annual event will feature some of the best Christian speakers and entertainers in the country in order to challenge and encourage the next generation to take ahold of the purpose they are called to as the Church. Through high energy, engaging worship, speaking, and workshops we will instruct and inspire students to think Biblically in some of the biggest topics being talked about and discussed in our world.



Chris Williams joined the Fellowship staff team in March of 2014. Since the inception of his ministry, Chris’ main focus has been on helping every person discover they were created on purpose and for a great purpose. Namely, having a relationship with their Creator through faith in a vibrant relationship Jesus Christ.


Jonathon serves as the VP of Student Life at Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO. Woodyard previously served as the Dean of Admissions and Assistant Professor of Theology and History at Bethlehem College and Seminary (Minneapolis, MN) and Adjunct Professor at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Kansas City, MO). Before serving at Bethlehem College and Seminary, Woodyard was founding pastor of Northfield Community Church, a North American Mission Board church plant in Northfield, Minnesota. Woodyard is also a U.S. Army veteran whose overseas services included a tour in Iraq. He currently serves as a chaplain in the United States Army Reserve.  


Damion is a high energy man possessing passion and vision to “Reach the ONE.” Prior to moving to Lee’s Summit, Damion played collegiate soccer at Fort Hays State and played and trained professionally for Dallas Liverpool. He served as Youth Pastor at GracePointe Church in Lee’s Summit from 2017-2021. He also received the 2020 Mayor’s Character Award from Lee’s Summit Cares for his efforts and service at Lee’s Summit North High School.


Jeremiah J. Johnston, PhD, is an elected member of the preeminent New Testament scholarly guild Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) and ministers internationally as president of Christian Thinkers Society. Jeremiah loves the local church, and also serves as pastor of apologetics and cultural engagement at Prestonwood Baptist Church and Senior Fellow of Christian Origins, Dallas Baptist University.



6:00PM – Check-in

6:30PM – Session 01
Denying Your Desire to Save
Yourself – Damion Cooper

7:45PM – Break

8:15PM – Late Night Concert:
I AM Collektive

9:15PM – Late Night Activities (eGames, Basketball & Pickleball, Painting Class, Games in Lobby)

11:30PM – Dismiss


8:30AM Doors Open

8:45AM – Pre-Show

9:00AM – Session 02
Denying the Desire to Follow
Your Heart – Chris Williams

10:15AM – Breakout #1

11:20AM – Session 03
Denying the Desire for Other’s Approval – Jonathon Woodyard

12:15PM – Lunch

1:00PM – Breakout #2

2:00PM – Church Group Time

saturday evening

5:30PM – Doors Open

5:45PM – Pre-Show

6:00PM – Session 04
Denying the Desire to Believe False Ideologies – Jonathon Woodyard

7:30PM – Dismiss


8:00AM & 11:00AM (GW) – Session 05
Who is the man of the Shroud?” Including traveling Exhibit
– Dr. Jeremiah Johnston

9:30AM (RAY) – Session 05
Who is the man of the Shroud?” Including traveling Exhibit
Dr. Jeremiah Johnston

9:30AM (GW) – Sunday School    – Ryan Guenther

11:00AM (RAY) – Sunday School    – Reid Petrie

Breakout Options

  • Christian Dating: A Panel Discussion (High School Only)
  • How to Understand and Flourish with your Mental Health
  • Growing Closer to Jesus
  • How to Study God’s Word
  • Why Christianity? Defending the Faith
  • Strategies for Sharing your Faith
  • Missions 101
  • Helping Yourself and Others Overcome Addiction
    (Social Media, Substances, etc.)
  • Following Jesus After High School
  • What is a Biblical Man?
  • What is a Biblical Woman?

check out our late night option

I AM Collektive is a music ministry where we present more than a show! With a variety of music, art, dance, and more – students are influenced and inspired to use their gifts for the Kingdom of God! 

Fellowship Church –
Raymore Campus

116 South Washington St.
Raymore, MO 64083

$59 per person

The price includes entrance to all sessions, materials, and lunch on Saturday. Concessions and merchandise will be sold separately.