Song of Solomon chapter 3 looks at the wedding and marriage. Men and women are totally equal but different. However, sin has affected every single thing that we do. Song of Solomon provides us with principles to help us in marriage.
1. It’s up to you to protect the marriage
Verse 7 says that Solomon had 60 men ready to defend the wedding and the marriage. Who is fighting for your marriage? You need to know because someone is fighting against your marriage.
There’s an enemy and he’s against you and your marriage.
The bottom-line sin that plagues men is passivity. This is particularly true when it comes to sacrificial leadership of his family. Biblical masculinity is when men lead their families sacrificially.
Nothing healthy grows when it’s not cultivated. Husbands need to take the lead and bring your family to church and plug into a Sunday School.
2. Wholeheartedly reject the consumer mindset and embrace the covenant mindset
Remember that God brought you together and you are His sovereign choice for one another.
The Lord wants to bless you and your marriage but we must understand what marriage really is.
A marriage covenant says that no matter what “I do!” You keep your covenant no matter what the other does. It’s not about your feelings, it’s about a promise into the future.
In contrast, a consumer mindset says “If you…. Then I…” If we don’t get what we want, we fight. This leads to entitlement.
You move forward and forgive one another when you stand ready and say “No matter what, I do.” (This is generally speaking, if there’s abuse get out.)
While men default to passivity, wives tend to put the husband down. However, the wife needs to find what the husband is doing well and champion that.
You can use the 5 love languages test to find out what yours are and discuss them with your spouse!
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